Monday, December5, Living Water had their 2nd annual Volunteer Christmas Party. The amazing thing about that was it was in the middle of Borger's first snow storm of the season. Snow was still coming down sideways when our party started. We were amazed by our great turnout!

Prime Time Party Zone created our balloon decorations.

Prime Time Party Zone also created this balloon Christmas tree! Becky stood beside this tree to give you perspective of it's size. So cute!!

We had our party at Dake's restaurant and had a fajita bar. We also had an auction to raise funds for Living Water. It was so much fun!

We gave out our Living Legends awards.
Here, Gib Welch receives the "Wise Cracker" award.

Lacy De LosSantos and her guest. Lacy is one of our new volunteers.

George & Mary Jean Nies

Arnie, Cindy, Christian & Melody Torio and Micah Scheffler

Taylor, Selena & Jeff McClellan
Our snowman party favors.
Our 2nd annual Volunteer Christmas Party was a huge success!