Thursday, February 25, 2010

Help Curves Help Living Water!

Curves is once again having a food drive for Living Water. But...the incentive is even stronger this year. Curves of Borger is in a friendly competition with several of the Curves in Amarillo. I happen to know the people of Borger have the biggest hearts!!

And Curves International has sweetened the pot. They are giving $1000 to the food pantry of the winning Curves' choice. And Curves in Borger has chosen Living Water!!

You don't have to be a member of Curves to help us out in this competition. Take canned food or non-perishable foods or cash to our Borger Curves at 515 N. Main from March 1-31. It must go to Curves to count for the competition. Help us win! I know we can do this!! And would you please help us get the word out? We want to win! (We love a good competition!)

Of course, we love a good competition and want to win, but the people we help at Living Water will be the true winners!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ConocoPhillips E&P Lower 48 Donation

Today, Rhonda & Todd Hutton came by Living Water with a donation of $1500.00 from ConocoPhillips E&P Lower 48. This money will be used for our Food Distribution Program. We are very thankful for the help with this program.

Becky Dietz, Director of Living Water accepting a check from Todd Hutton from ConocoPhillips.

Becky Dietz gratefully accepting a check for $1500 from ConocoPhillips E&P Lower 48 from Rhonda & Todd Hutton.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Volunteer--Cairl Horst

Living Water is full of great volunteers, but I'd like to feature a special one today. Meet Cairl Horst. Cairl is a faithful volunteer here at Living Water. You'll find him filling grocery bags, unloading the Food Bank truck, changing those hard-to-change flourescent lightbulbs, weed-eating, encouraging other volunteers, singing, giving hugs at the front door on Fridays, and....

...shoveling sidewalks after it snows!

I asked for a small path in front of our building today (which is our clothing give-away day) and he did that and then came all the way around the side of the building. Cairl doesn't do anything half-way! I can't imagine Living Water without Cairl Horst--I really appreciate him!