The ladies of Curves delivered the food in grocery baskets to Living Water.Curves of Borger was recognized by Curves International as a winner in the company’s nationwide fundraising campaign to help food banks in local communities. Throughout the month of March, Curves of Borger raised over 16,409 pounds of food that was given to Living Water Benevolence Ministry to provide food to needy families in Hutchinson County. The final results raised by the Curves of Borger surpassed the goals set by owner, Clesta Collins. “We set a goal of collecting 1500 pounds and $200 which is the most we ever collected and would have been a “high water” mark for us. I had no idea that we could collect this amount and I still stand in amazement,” Collins said.
The drive had every Curves club in the country competing against each other,in a friendly competition to see which club could receive the most donations. To make the drive even more appealing to local members, Curves of Borger had a friendly competition between themselves, the three Curves clubs in Amarillo, and even the Sunday School Classes at First Baptist Church competing against each other. On the amount of support provided by the community, Collins said, “I think one of the reasons so many helped out is simply the people of Borger are generous and we are a caring community. But most importantly, I think it is the unmerited favor of God, we committed it to Him and He blessed it.”