Food Recipients at Living Water
(posted with permission)
There are only three more days to give to Living Water in the Feinstein Foundation Challenge! Living Water will be open today until 3, Friday from 9-noon, and next Monday from 9-3. If you've wanted to give to Living Water, this is the perfect opportunity! What you give will help us get a percentage of the million dollars Alan Feinstein and his foundation are giving away to food agencies to alleviate hunger in America. I wanted you to see some of the faces this ministry helps. (This is only a small percentage of our clients that day--the ones who were willing to have their photo taken.) It's not about the money---but about the people being helped. Most of our clients are trying so hard to make it. They don't want to be in the circumstances they're in. And we're helping. We help with food, clothing, utility bill assistance and now we're offering Life Skill Classes which will help them in financial training, cooking, job interviews, nutrition, and exercise.
If you don't think it happens in our country, read what a friend posted on Facebook today: